Wednesday, 15 December 2021


Άλλη μια γαμωχρονιά φτάνει λοιπόν στο τέλος της, και είναι η εποχή της Λίστας με τα άλμπουμ που άκουσα/ευχαριστήθηκα/αγάπησα περισσότερο φέτος. Δεν έχω κάποια βαθυστόχαστη παρατήρηση να προσθέσω πέρα από το γεγονός ότι και φέτος βγήκε πολλή καλή μουσική, οπότε θα πάμε (σχεδόν) κατευθείαν στο ψητό.

Πρώτα όμως, όπως κάθε χρόνο, ιδού η «εναλλακτική» Λίστα Αυτών Που Θα Δείτε Σε Άλλες Λίστες Αλλά Όχι Εδώ. Αντικαταστήστε τυχαία 5-6 από αυτά με hip-hop/R&B δίσκους που δεν το κατέχω το άθλημα, και πιθανότατα έχετε την εικοσάδα του Pitchfork. Σε τυχαία σειρά λοιπόν:

  • DRY CLEANING / SQUID διότι Black Country, New Road / Black Midi
  • JULIEN BAKER διότι Lucy Dacus
  • THE WEATHER STATION διότι υπερβολικά yacht rock για τα γούστα μου
  • RYLEY WALKER διότι τον γουστάρω πολύ τον τύπο, αλλά τελικά τον προτιμούσα όταν ήθελε να γίνει Nick Drake παρά τώρα που θέλει να γίνει Genesis
  • AROOJ AFTAB διότι απλά δεν χώρεσε στην εικοσάδα
  • DEAFHEAVEN διότι σε μία λίστα γενικού ενδιαφέροντος που ήδη αποτελείται σε μεγάλο βαθμό από metal και metal-friendly κυκλοφορίες ειδικού ενδιαφέροντος, θα ήταν υπερβολή να στριμώξω και τούτους   
  • LOW διότι αξιοθαύμαστο αλλά υπερβολικά δύσκολο
  • RICHARD DAWSON & CIRCLE διότι παραείναι παλαβό ακόμα και για μένα
  • MDOU MOCTAR διότι ΟΚ, φοβερός κιθαρίστας, ο Χέντριξ της Αφρικής και τα ρέστα, αλλά φέτος ήμουν πιο «δυτικός» στα ακούσματά μου
  • FLOATING POINTS & PHAROAH SANDERS διότι καταπληκτική δουλειά αλλά τελικά είμαι ροκάς
  • LANA DEL REY διότι έβαλε τόσο ψηλά τον πήχυ με το “Normal Fucking Rockwell” που ο,τιδήποτε λιγότερο πλέον μας κακοφαίνεται
  • ILLUMINATI HOTTIES διότι τι να πρωτοχωρέσει σε μια εικοσάδα ρε παιδιά;
  • THE WAR ON DRUGS διότι παρόλο που ο δίσκος είναι καλός, αν το μέλλον του rock είναι ο ήχος του Don Henley τότε έχουμε πρόβλημα
  • JAPANESE BREAKFAST διότι είναι Κορεάτισσα, όχι Γιαπωνέζα, και το όνομα μου χαλάει το φενγκ σούι.
  • RHIANNON GIDDENS & FRANCESCO TURRISI διότι είναι ουσιαστικά ένα sequel ελαφρώς κατώτερο του προηγούμενου άλμπουμ τους
  • ST VINCENT διότι έχει κάνει και καλύτερα πράγματα
  • ADELE διότι φωνάρα απίστευτη, και το “To Be Loved” τραγουδάρα απίστευτη, αλλά όχι και δίσκος της χρονιάς
  • FAYE WEBSTER διότι πολύ ωραίο αλλά όλες αυτές οι γυναίκες singer-songwriters έχουν αρχίσει να γίνονται μια συμπαγής μάζα στο μυαλό μου και δεν τις ξεχωρίζω πια
  • GROUPER διότι δεν το πιάνω, τι σας άρεσε τόσο πολύ δηλαδή;
  • BILLIE EILISH διότι δεν είναι της ηλικίας μου αυτά

Πάμε τώρα λοιπόν να δούμε και την κανονική εικοσάδα του Music Geek για το 2021. Αν έχω καταφέρει να σας βοηθήσω να ανακαλύψετε ένα ή δύο άλμπουμ που σας ξέφυγαν και που θα σας αρέσουν, έχω πετύχει τον στόχο μου. Spread the word, share the love:

20. KING WOMAN – Celestial Blue / LINGUA IGNOTA – Sinner Get Ready
Κλέβω λίγο τοποθετώντας δύο άλμπουμ σε μία θέση, αλλά οι παραλληλισμοί είναι ξεκάθαροι: Αμφότερες γυναίκες στο ανδροκρατούμενο ευρύτερο σύμπαν του σκληρού ήχου, στο μεταίχμιο μεταξύ heavy metal βαρύτητας και goth σκότους, με δίσκους που μιλούν για πνευματικότητα και αναζήτηση ταυτότητας. Λίγο πιο sludge η πρώτη, λίγο πιο Diamanda η δεύτερη, θα ήταν ψηλότερα στη λίστα αν δεν ερχόταν τελευταία στιγμή η φιλενάδα τους η Chelsea Wolfe παρέα με τους Converge για να τους κλέψει τη δόξα.

19. WILLIE NILE – The Day The Earth Stood Still

Τελικά είμαι τελείως παραδοσιακός ροκάς. Αρκούν τρία καλοπαιγμένα ακόρντα, δυό πόζες με την κιθάρα, ένα πιασάρικο ελαφρώς επαναστατικό ρεφρέν, και είμαι ένας ευτυχισμένος άνθρωπος. Δεν χρειάζομαι καν τον Dylan ή τον Springsteen, o Willie Nile που αποτελεί light υποκατάστατο και των δύο μου κάνει μια χαρά κάθε φορά που βγάζει δίσκο.

18. BLACK MIDI – Cavalcade
Prog-jazz εξτρεμιστές που ελλείψει άλλων σημείων αναφοράς κατηγοροποιούνται παρέα με τους Dry Cleaning, Squid, και Black Country, New Road, παίζουν τόσο ακραία που δεν ξέρεις αν πρέπει να πορωθείς, να γελάσεις, ή να κλάψεις. Αυτό το άλμπουμ είναι τόσο γεμάτο από ιδέες που κοντεύει να σκάσει κι εμείς περιμένουμε με ανυπομονησία το επόμενο βήμα.

17. TURNSTILE – Glow On

(Πρώην;) hardcore μπάντα, με το “Glow On” μεταξελίσσονται σε κάτι υπεράνω περιγραφής: Ενσωματώνουν στον ήχο τους επιρροές από όποιο μουσικό ιδίωμα μπορείτε να φανταστείτε και το τελικό αποτέλεσμα είναι ο πιο παλαβός, με την καλύτερη δυνατή έννοια, heavy δίσκος εδώ και δύο δεκαετίες – για την ακρίβεια, από το “Toxicity” κι έπειτα. Πόρωση.


Ένα concept album για εξωγήινους που απαγάγουν έναν καουμπόϊ από το Τέξας το 1890 και τον επιστρέφουν στην ίδια τοποθεσία 100 χρόνια αργότερα για να ξεκινήσει να αναζητά μάταια την από δεκαετίες νεκρή γυναίκα του χωρίς να έχει συναίσθηση του χρόνου που έχει περάσει, το όλο εγχείρημα είναι μία αλληγορία γύρω από τις υπαρξιακές αγωνίες της ανθρωπότητας και πρόκειται την καλύτερη μεταφυσική country κυκλοφορία από το “Metamodern Sounds In Country Music” του Sturgill Simpson κι έπειτα. Το γεγονός ότι είναι πιθανότατα η ΜΟΝΗ μεταφυσική country κυκλοφορία από το “Metamodern Sounds In Country Music” του Sturgill Simpson κι έπειτα δεν έχει καμία σημασία.

15. JOHN MURRY – The Stars Are God's Bullet Holes

Μεγάλωσε υιοθετημένος σε δυσλειτουργική οικογένεια, ως έφηβος έπεσε θύμα βιασμού, επέζησε από overdose ηρωίνης και κατάφερε να καθαρίσει, έπρεπε να φτάσει 32 ετών για να διαγνωστεί με αυτισμό. Με τέτοια ζωή φυσικά η θεματολογία του Murry είναι θεοσκότεινη, πίσσα-κατράμι, ακόμα και όταν η μουσική είναι uptempo – ο τύπος βασικά κάνει τον Nick Cave να μοιάζει με την Taylor Swift, και αν είστε από τους μαζόχες που λατρεύουν το “Berlin” του Lou Reed, τότε μόλις βρήκατε το νέο σας πάθος.  

14. GREEN LUNG – Black Harvest

Έχουν κάτι από Ghost, κυρίως την ικανότητα να ενσωματώνουν μια καρτουνίστικη σατανίλα μέσα σε πιασάρικες μελωδίες, και η παραγωγάρα βοηθάει σε αυτό. Έχουν κι έναν κιθαρίστα που έχει μελετήσει πολύ καλά τον Brian May, κι ένα Hammond βγαλμένο από τα πιο υγρά όνειρα του Ken Hensley, και αυτά είναι τα στοιχεία που διαφοροποιούν το “Black Harvest” από τη μάζα των ανθυπο-Sabbath κυκλοφοριών.

13. LUCY DACUS – Home Video
Πέρυσι είχαμε το breakthrough της Phoebe Bridgers. Φέτος αμφότερες οι φιλενάδες/συνεργάτες της στο συγκρότημα των Boygenius κυκλοφόρησαν εξαιρετικά άλμπουμ και από μουσική άποψη ο ήχος της Dacus δεν είναι χιλιόμετρα μακριά από την Julien Baker και την ίδια την Bridgers, αλλά η Dacus κερδίζει την Baker στο νήμα χάρη στους συγκινητικούς αυτοβιογραφικούς στίχους που εξερευνούν το πώς είναι να προσπαθήσεις να ισορροπήσεις ανάμεσα στη θρησκευτική σου πίστη και τη σεξουαλικότητά σου. Η Baker πάντως παίρνει το βραβείο της παρηγοριάς για τη guest συμμετοχή της σε άλλο άλμπουμ που είναι ψηλότερα στη Λίστα.

12. THE BESNARD LAKES – The Besnard Lakes Are The Last Of The Great Thunderstorm Warnings

Οι Flaming Lips υπό την ηγεσία του Syd Barrett; Οι Spiritualized ανακαλύπτουν τους Beach Boys; Όπως και να ‘χει αυτό είναι ένα φανταστικό άλμπουμ που μπολιάζει το καλύτερο “αλλού” ροκ των 90’s με στοιχεία 60’s για να γεννήσει την καλύτερη ψυχεδέλεια των 20’s.
11. BEARTOOTH – Below

Κανονικά αυτό το άλμπουμ δεν θα έπρεπε να μου αρέσει αφού όλα τα τραγούδια ακολουθούν συγκεκριμένη συνταγή, μια τακτική που συνήθως βρίσκω βαρετή: Riff-άτο κουπλέ, πιασάρικο μελωδικό ρεφρέν, breakdown γέφυρα για ξύλο στο moshpit. Το θέμα όμως είναι ότι ο Caleb Shomo είναι πραγματικά υπερβατικός στο “Below”, αφήνοντας ΟΛΕΣ τις υπόλοιπες metalcore μπάντες χιλιόμετρα πίσω του: Δεν είναι μόνο ότι τα κουπλέ χτυπούν με χειρουργική ακρίβεια, τα ρεφρέν είναι αξέχαστα, και τα breakdowns διαλύουν τα πάντα στο διάβα τους, είναι και το βάθος του ψυχικού σκότους που αναδύεται από τους στίχους του Shomo, αναβαθμίζοντας τη συνταγή σε σημείο αναφοράς για το μέλλον ολόκληρου του ιδιώματος.

10. THE HOLD STEADY – Open Door Policy

Classic rockers που λόγω συγκυριών και χωροχρονικών συνισταμένων κατηγοριοποιήθηκαν σαν indie rockers, οι Hold Steady για μια πενταετία (2005-2009) πιθανότατα ήταν η καλύτερη μπάντα του πλανήτη. Ακόμα και στην περίοδο του ελαφρού ντεφορμαρίσματός που ακολούθησε ο Craig Finn παρέμενε ο καλύτερος στιχουργός της Αμερικής με μοναδική εξαίρεση τον νομπελίστα κοντοχωριανό του, Bob Dylan, αλλά με την επιστροφή του κιμπορντίστα Franz Nicolay έχουν πλέον ανακάμψει και συνθετικά. 

9. CORY HANSON – Pale Horse Rider

Αν οι Radiohead ήταν από το Λος Άντζελες και αποφάσιζαν να παίξουν cosmic Americana, το πιθανότερο είναι ότι το “OK Computer” τους θα ακουγόταν κάπως σαν το “Pale Horse Rider”. Τέλειος δίσκος για τις μικρές, μοναχικές ώρες ο οποίος πέρασε σχετικά απαρατήρητος, μην κάνετε το λάθος να τον αγνοήσετε.

8. MASTODON – Hushed And Grim

Έλαχιστες μπάντες στην ιστορία του heavy metal μπορούν να κοιτάξουν κατάματα τους Mastodon όσον αφορά τον συνδυασμό βαρβαρότητας και τεχνικής επιδεξιότητας, και αυτό είναι κάτι αδιαμφισβήτητο που γνωρίζουμε κοντά 20 χρόνια τώρα. Οπότε οι ενστάσεις των haters ανέκαθεν εστιάζαν σε δύο σημεία: α) Δεν έχουν τραγουδιστή, και/ή β) οι συνθέσεις τους δεν είναι αξιομνημόνευτες. Και σ’ αυτά έχω να πω το εξής: α) Έχουν τραγουδιστές, τρεις, που κάθε χρόνο γίνονται καλύτεροι, ειδικά ο Brann Dailor, και β) Το “Hushed And Grim” είναι ΤΙΓΚΑ στις χιτάρες:


Υπάρχουν πολλοί Nick Cave. Έχουμε τον αυθάδη punk Cave των Birthday Party. Έχουμε τον γότθο δανδή Cave της περιόδου 84-04 και τον ανέμελο straight rocker Cave των Grinderman και του “Dig, Lazarus, Dig!”.  Έχουμε τον συγγραφέα Cave, τον ηθοποιό Cave, τον συνθέτη soundtracks Cave... Κι έχουμε και τον Cave από το “Push The Sky Away” κι έπειτα, να αφήνει σταδιακά τις κιθάρες στην άκρη και να στηρίζεται όλο και περισσότερο στον Warren Ellis (υπάρχουν πολλοί Ellis επίσης), με φυσική κατάληξη το “Carnage” που ενορχηστρώνεται σχεδόν αποκλειστικά με κλασικά έγχορδα, χωρωδίες και synthesizers και το οποίο θα σας διαλύσει ψυχικά. Ίσως αυτός τελικά να είναι ο αγαπημένος μου Cave απ’ όλους.

6. BUFFALO NICHOLS – Buffalo Nichols

Το ντεμπούτο του Nichols κρύβει μέσα του πολλή οργή. Βλέπεις, τα πράγματα δεν έχουν αλλάξει και τόσο στην Αμερική απο τότε που ο παππούς του θεωρείτο πολίτης β’ κατηγορίας, και ο Nichols δεν φοβάται να το πει. Επιλέγει την πιο κλασική μουσική φόρμα για να εκφραστεί αλλά με το εξαιρετικό κιθαριστικό του picking, την βαθιά, γρεζάτη φωνή του, και τους απογυμνωμένους από φιοριτούρες στίχους του μας προσφέρει το καλύτερο παραδοσιακό blues άλμπουμ εδώ και πολλά χρόνια.

5. FUCKED UP – Year of the Horse

Πιθανολογώ ότι το “Year Of The Horse” δεν θα το δείτε σε καμία άλλη λίστα εκτός από αυτήν: Ένα δυσνόητο διπλό concept άλμπουμ prog-punk (για ένα άλογο...) που παραείναι heavy για τους hipsters (παρά τη συμμετοχή guests όπως ο Matt Berninger και η Julien Baker), παραείναι hipster-άδικο για τους κάφρους (παρόλο που είναι αφιερωμένο στη μνήμη του Riley Gale των Power Trip και του Wade Allison των Iron Age), και που με τέσσερα κομμάτια διάρκειας από 19 ως 27 λεπτά το καθένα παραείναι δυσκολοχώνευτο για τα ευαίσθητα στομάχια και των δύο που προτιμούν εύκολες λύσεις και φόρμουλες. Δεν πειράζει παιδιά, πηγαίνετε να ακούσετε Idles και Perturbator, έχουν ρεφρενάκια.

4. BLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROAD – For The First Time

Το 2021 ήταν η χρονιά του “talk singing” όπου κυριάρχησε μισή ντουζίνα Βρετανικές post-punk/post-Brexit μπάντες, που μεγάλωσαν με Slint και The Fall και βάζουν «μιλητά» φωνητικά πάνω από γωνιώδεις ρυθμούς και αιχμηρές κιθάρες. Όμως από όλους τους Dry Cleaning, Squid, Fontaines D.C., Black Midi, το βραβείο κερδίζουν οι Black Country, New Road χάρη στη μανιακή τους ενέργεια και την άγνοια κινδύνου που τους χαρακτηριζει – κάθε κομμάτι ακούγεται σα να είναι έτοιμο να εκτροχιαστεί ανά πάσα στιγμή, αλλά με κάποιον ανεξήγητο τρόπο πάντα φτάνει στον προορισμό του. 

3. GOJIRA – Fortitude

H metal μπάντα που είναι κάθε φορά στη λίστα, και μάλιστα ψηλά. Πιο άμεσο, πιο μελωδικό, θα έλεγα ότι τηρουμένων των αναλογιών το “Fortitude” είναι το “Black Album” τους και θα έπρεπε να τους καθιερώσει ως τους αδιαφιλονίκητους headliners οποιουδήποτε μεταλλικού φεστιβάλ αν δεν παίζουν οι ίδιοι οι Metallica ή οι Maiden. Και σ’ αυτό το φεστιβάλ όλοι θα χοροπηδάνε ακόμα και αν οι Gojira κάνουν απλά καραόκε από το “Roots” των Sepultura:

2. WOLF ALICE – Blue Weekend
Οι σχιζοφρενικές επιρροές των Wolf Alice – shoegaze, folk, grunge, dream pop, punk – δεν προϊδεάζουν για κάτι φρέσκο ή πρωτοποριακό. Και όμως, ο τρόπος που η Ellie Rowsell και η παρέα της τα ανακατεύουν όλα αυτά στο “Blue Weekend” έχει κάτι το μαγικό. Δεν μπορώ να ξέρω ακριβώς πώς είναι να είσαι εικοσάρης και να ανακαλύπτεις τους Wolf Alice, μπορώ όμως να φανταστώ ότι είναι ένα τελείως Αποκαλυπτικό συναίσθημα και ξέρω ότι αυτός ο δίσκος με κάνει να αισθάνομαι νέος.


Ξεχάστε όσα ξέρετε, αυτό δεν είναι το κλασικό “Jane Doe”, δεν είναι το φοβερό πρόσφατο “The Dusk In Us”, δεν είναι καν το “Axe To Fall” που είχε έντονη παρουσία guests. Ενσωματώνοντας στη σύνθεσή τους την Chelsea Wolfe, τον συνεργάτη της Ben Chisholm, και τον παλιό τους φίλο Stephen Brodsky από τους Cave In, οι Converge στο “Bloodmoon: I” ακούγονται σαν τελείως άλλο συγκρότημα. Προφανώς και υπάρχουν διάσπαρτα στοιχεία του κλασικού μεταλλικού hardcore Converge ήχου αλλά η γοτθίλα της Wolfe προσδίδει μία μεγαλειώδη ατμόσφαιρα και τα hooks του Brodsky κάνουν το level-up. Χωρίς υπερβολή κύριοι, εδώ έχουμε ένα άλμπουμ-ορόσημο για τον σκληρό ήχο, και σίγουρα τον καλύτερο δίσκο της χρονιάς ανεξαρτήτως ιδιώματος.

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews Dec 2021, The Last One Before The List


DEEP PURPLE – Turning to Crime

It’s a covers album, but I haven’t had this much fun with a Deep Purple release since 1984. (8)

ELDER & KADAVAR – ELDOVAR: A Story of Darkness & Light

Two bands from the stoner/heavy-psych world join forces and go full-on prog/classic rock. (7)

TOM MORELLO – The Atlas Underground Flood

Tom, for fuck’s sake man, just put the band back together will you? (6)

THE TEA PARTY – Blood Moon Rising

Not quite Greta Van Fleet-level, but a pretty accurate Led Zep karaoke. (7)

VOLBEAT – Servant Of The Mind

Nothing here sounds remotely new or revolutionary, but their Metallica-meets-Misfits rip-off shtick is tons of fun. (8)



It’s country, and it’s a concept album about a cowboy being abducted by aliens, and it’s great and funny and metaphysical so buckle up for a wild ride. (8)

THE BRANDY ALEXANDERS – The Brandy Alexanders

Is psychedelic yacht rock a thing now? (8)


This collaboration between Iron Maiden-loving folk singer Dawson and kraut/prog weirdos Circle is a concept album about plants and botany and it’s as bonkers as I hoped it would be. (8)

HOUEIDA HEDFI – Fleuves De L'Ame

The debut album by this female Tunisian artist combines North African tradition with subtle electronica/ambient elements and is one of the best World Music records of the year. (8)

VARIOUS ARTISTS – Think I'm Going Weird: Original Artefacts from the British Psychedelic Scene 1966-1968

Compilation box sets are something of a lost art in the day of short attention spans and Spotify playlists, but this is a great one with 120 tracks spread over five discs. The title is self-explanatory. (10)

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Nov 2021 Vol. II

ABBA – Voyage
There’s lots of people in their 70’s making music today and they don’t sound like their whole audience should be in their 70’s too like this new ABBA album does. (5)

ADELE – 30

She got a fantastic voice, she’s got class, and she’s good at doing pop music for adults addressing adult themes. She deserves the superstardom. (7)


Sounds unlike any previous Converge album, this was essentially created by an enhanced line-up featuring not only Chelsea Wolfe who goths things up, but also Cave In’s Stephen Brodsky who piles on the hooks. A masterpiece of heavy music. (10)

ENDLESS BOOGIE – Admonitions

It’s boogie, and it’s endless. (7)

ENUFF Z’NUFF – Enuff Z'Νuff's Hardrock Nite

There’s a strong Beatles influence on their sound anyway (after all, they’ve always been a power pop band masquerading as a hair metal band), but they’re taking this to its logical end with a full album of Beatles covers. And you’ll actually love it if you always wished that The Beatles would play these great songs just a little bit harder. (8)

CURTIS HARDING – If Words Were Flowers

Atlanta-based soul man is mates with Mastodon and the Black Lips and it shows here, as he infuses his Curtis Mayfield/Parliament old-school funk with a rock ‘n’ roll edge. (8)

KHEMMIS – Deceiver

Closer to traditional metal than to doom metal this time around. Cool riffs but the tunes could be a bit more memorable. (7)

SETH LAKEMAN – Make Your Mark

His previous album “A Pilgirm’s Tale” was the biggest surprise of 2020, an ambitious outlier that came seemingly out of nowhere to land high on the Music Geek’s year-end List. His new album is more low-key, but another excellent take on English folk played with rock intensity. (8)


Starting the album with a faithful version of “Rawhide” and including a song titled “Punk Rock Retirement Plan” (“Well it’s Johnny Cash for Johnny Rotten / Johnny Horton for Johnny Ramone / He’s swapping out his records / For something more down home”) is a clear statement of intent, they’ve gone full country. They’re still funny as hell. (7)

WILLIE NELSON – The Willie Nelson Family

Country music’s legendary stoner is 88 and just won’t stop releasing new music. This one’s together with his sons, daughters, and sister, and it’s a solid combination of reinterpretations of Nelson classics and covers (George Harrison, Hank Williams, Kris Kristofferson etc.). (7)


A sequel to 2007’s “Raising Sand”, which actually paved the way for everything Plant has done since, this collaboration with Bluegrass superstar Krauss focuses on innovative covers of folk, blues, and country deep cuts and is, of course, excellent. (8)

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN & THE E-STREET BAND – The Legendary 1979 No Nukes Concerts

The E-Street Band in all its glory, the energy on this live album is just insane. (10)

VARIOUS ARTISTS – Cuba: Music and Revolution: Culture Clash in Havana Cuba: Experiments in Latin Music 1973-85 Vol. 2

Going beyond the Buena Vista Social Club, another great collection of mostly unknown Cuban artists from the next generation. (8)

Monday, 1 November 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Nov 2021


KAYO DOT – Moss Grew On The Swords And Plowshares Alike

Post-metal pioneer Toby Driver reunites the original line-up of his previous band, Maudlin Of The Well, for something darker and heavier than Kayo Dot’s recent output, sort of like Emperor meets The Cure. (7)

LIMP BIZKIT – Still Sucks

Well, if you thought they did back in the day, this album won’t change your mind. But really. they were never THAT bad: At worst, they’re inoffensive in their sophomoric offensiveness. (7)


Lots of help from hubby, but within the occult rock genre the Green Lung album is too recent to avoid comparisons and this one doesn’t even come close. (7)

MASTODON – Hushed And Grim

Let the haters hate, this is a great metal album. (9)

SKATENIGS – What Could Go Wrong?

Mordred’s back, The Skatenigs are back. Happy 1992 everyone, Sub Pop never happened and THIS is the alternative to traditional heavy metal, who’s next? Monster Voodoo Machine? Stabbing Westward? Psychefunkapus? (6)

EDDIE SPAGHETTI & FRANK MEYER – Motherfuckin’ Rock ‘n’ Roll

Supersuckers & Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs frontmen get together to play some motherfuckin’ rock ‘n’ roll. Of course. (8)


HAYES CARLL – You Get It All

Steve Earle has dissed Carll calling him a less talented version of himself, but take that statement with a grain of salt since Earle’s ex-wife Allison Moorer had left him for Carll right before this quote was taken. Gossip aside, the truth is that Carll is probably the best student of Earle’s Texas Country Singer/Songwriter style. (8)

HAYSEED DIXIE – Shattered Grass

I became a Hayseed Dixie fan before I became a bluegrass fan, and despite their “joke band” status they probably played a major role in my current appreciation of some great contemporary music I’d have otherwise missed out on, so I must thank them. That being said I’ve heard better albums by these guys, and funnier jokes too. Or maybe this just isn’t the right time for their brand of faux-redneck humor. (6)

JACKSON+SELLERS – Breaking Point

Jade Jackson (who made The List in 2019) and Aubrie Sellers join forces and rock harder than two country ladies should be expected to rock. (8)

PEPE DELUXE – Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1

Their previous record “Queen Of the Wave” might as well be the best album of all time, but this one comes pretty close, and it’s just as bonkers. (8)

DEAN WAREHAM – I Have Nothing to Say to the Mayor of L.A.

Luna/Galaxie 500 frontman’s solo album is the type of indie rock record I never really got into (not enough guitar distortion, slightly off-key vocals, plenty of irony) despite trying very hard over the past 30+ years, but there’s at least one truly great song here (“As Much As It Was Worth”). (7)

THE WAR ON DRUGS – I Don't Live Here Anymore

A good album, probably Granduciel’s best. But really, it’s funny how he is God to 20-something music critics who’ve never heard of the Dire Straits and dismiss Don Henley as boomer hippie shit. (8)

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Oct 2021 Vol. II


DREAM THEATER – A View From The Top Of The World

A typical Dream Theater record, i.e. it’s one month long featuring one track that lasts a fortnight and six shorter ones ranging in duration between two and three days each, but it’s a good month. No seriously, this is definitely the best Dream Theater album with Mangini in the fold. (8)  

GREEN LUNG – Black Harvest

What if Ghost was a doom metal band influenced by Queen and Uriah Heep? (9)

KING WOMAN – Celestial Blue

I didn’t know that Chelsea Wolfe had joined Eyehategod. (8)

MELVINS – Five Legged Dog

4-LP, 36-track acoustic album featuring reinterpretations of songs from their catalogue plus a bunch of covers. Still manages to sound heavy as fuck. (7)

TOM MORELLO – The Atlas Underground Fire

A somewhat disappointing mix of recycled Audioslave riffs, simplistic EDM beats, and sensationalist guest choices (Bruce Springsteen and Eddie Vedder duetting on a cover of “Highway To Hell”???). (6)


BEDOUINE – Waysides

Another one of Joni Mitchell’s spiritual children, one of the good ones. (7)

NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS – B-Sides And Rarities Part II

Get the proper albums first. (7)

LANA DEL REY – Blue Banisters

Her second album this year is much more autobiographical and for the most part steers clear of the 60’s/70’s Americana mythologizing. It’s not “Norman Fucking Rockwell!” but then, nothing is. (8)


It’s getting rave reviews from all serious music media but it’s a bit too low-fi for my taste. She clearly knows what she’s doing and I’m sure that sounding like a stoned amateur folkie’s bedroom demos is a deliberate thing, but I find getting any enjoyment from this too taxing. (6)


Americana heiress continues her streak of solid “7” albums. (7)

JASON ISBELL & THE 400 UNIT – Georgia Blue

During 2020’s U.S. election thriller he went live on social media promising a charity tribute album to his favorite Georgia artists if the Democrats would win the state, and Jason’s a man of his word. So here it is, great covers of great tracks (REM, James Brown, Cat Power, Otis Redding, Black Crowes, Indigo Girls, Gladys Night, Allman Brothers, Vic Chesnutt…) featuring great guests. (9)

MY MORNING JACKET – My Morning Jacket

Long hair, long jams, long wait between albums. A welcome return for these Grateful Dead disciples. (7)

POKEY LaFARGE – In The Blossom Of Their Shade

Caribbean-flavored old-school Americana, like if Hank Williams had grown up in Haiti. (8)

BUFFALO NICHOLS – Buffalo Nichols

Best blues album of the year, with lyrics like a punch in the gut. (9)

STICK IN THE WHEEL – Tonebeds For Poetry

Even though there is a strong possibility these guys have never heard of Kristi Stassinopoulou & Stathis Kalyviotis, and even though they take their cues from English traditional music rather than anything Balkan-related, they fit very comfortably next to that Greek duo’s Greekadelia/folktronica sound. (7)


The blues/rock/soul band’s fourth album is actually their second one, recorded in 2012 but unreleased until now, and has much more in common with their fun, raw debut than with later releases. (8)

Friday, 8 October 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Oct 2021

Goodgoodnotbad. (7)

BRANDI CARLILE – In These Silent Days

This Highwoman’s new solo album reminded me of k.d. lang, and it’s not just because they’re both gay. (8)

LAURA JANE GRACE – At War With Silverfish

If you’re not already sick and tired of stripped-down lockdown EPs here’s another one, from Against Me’s leader and punk rock icon Laura Jane. Songs are kept short and sweet and are depressing in a cathartic sort of way. (7)


Music critics somehow love this, even though it mostly sounds like the 00’s pop-punk music critics hated back in the day. (8)

KATATONIA – Mnemosynean

A collection of non-album tracks by one of the best metal bands around, a must for fans despite the fact that most of these songs were left off the albums for a reason. (7)


Black Keys meets INXS. (7)

ESPERANZA SPALDING – Songwrights Apothecary Lab

Songs for healing and meditation, a weird exercise combining jazz with neuroscience and psychology. (7)


A bit too loud for the “indie folk” label this guy has been carrying around. (7)

VARIOUS ARTISTS – Country Funk Volume III 1975-1982

The title says it all really, 17 nuggets of southern deep-fried goodness featuring some household names (Dolly Parton, JJ Cale, Tony Joe White…) and a strong supporting cast. (8)

VARIOUS ARTISTS – I’ll Be Your Mirror: A Tribute To The Velvet Underground & Nico

As if anyone needed proof that VU’s debut album is the cornerstone of all indie rock that followed, here’s a tribute featuring everyone who’s anyone in that particular universe, from Michael Stipe to Kurt Vile. As is usually the case with cover versions, those who take the greatest risks reap the greatest rewards. (8)

VARIOUS ARTISTS – I’m A Freak Baby 3: A Further Journey Through The British Heavy Psych And Hard Rock Underground Scene 1968-1973

Another excellent 3-CD compilation of proto-metal Neanderthals, known and unknown. This one goes to (11)

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Sep 2021



Top notch high-energy punk rock ‘n’ roll a-la Hellacopters/Supersuckers from the best band still around doing that sort of thing. (8)

CARCASS – Torn Arteries

As expected in the same vein (sorry) as everything the extreme metal pioneers have released from “Heartwork” onwards, as expected excellent. (8)


Another nostalgic trip through 80’s AOR, this will remind you of everything from Rick Springfield to Aldo Nova. A throwback, but lots of fun. (8)

THRICE – Horizons / East

Post-hardcore’s answer to Radiohead. (7)

TUESDAY THE SKY – The Blurred Horizon

Jim Matheos goes New Age. (7)


This is supposed to be a hardcore band but this album is all over the place and I mean that in the best possible way: The last time I heard a heavy album as crazy as this was probably “Toxicity” back in 2001. (9)

VARIOUS ARTISTS – The Metallica Blacklist

Only Metallica could pull off something of this magnitude, i.e. getting 53 different artists from every possible genre to each choose and cover their favorite “Black Album” track, and of course the results are uneven but overall this is enjoyable (best of all is probably Jason Isbell’s reimagining of “Sad But True” as a Texan barroom stomp). That being said, I’ll be very happy if I never have to hear “The Unforgiven” or “Nothing Else Matters” again for as long as I live. (8)


BIG RED MACHINE – How Long Do You Think It’s Gonna Last?

Start-studded side project of Bon Iver/The National is a pleasant listen, more pop than indie rock, but the guy’s Auto-Tune is REALLY starting to get on my nerves. (7)

BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB – Buena Vista Social Club (25th Anniversary Edition)

The most famous, and arguably the best, world music album of all time, now expanded with outtakes and alternate versions. If you missed it the first time around - a must for every record collection. (10)

FELICE BROTHERS – From Dream To Dust
Their most Dylanesque album. (8)

STEVE GUNN – Other You

For the most part sounds like Ryley Walker’s cousin. (7)

AMYTHYST KIAH– Wary + Strange

One-fourth of black female Americana supergroup Our Native Daughters on solo album, more bluesy than folksy, its main strength being Kiah’s deep, soulful voice, more Otis Redding/Paul Rodgers than Rhiannon Giddens. (7)

LOW – Hey What

Dig deep beneath the distorted electronics and you’ll find beauty. (8)


This is a break-up album following her recent divorce and it’s more pop than country, but unfortunately it lacks the spark that made previous efforts like “Same Trailer Different Park” and “Golden Hour” so great. (7)

ADIA VICTORIA – A Southern Gothic

Reinventing the blues. (8)

Friday, 27 August 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, August Round-up


CREEPER – American Noir (EP)

My Chemical Romance produced by Jim Steinman. (8)

DEAFHEAVEN – Infinite Granite

The most polarizing metal band of the last 10 years drops the metal entirely and does full-on shoegaze. No blastbeats, no screaming, still great. (8)

FOXING – Draw Down The Moon

Emo revivalists go pop. (7)

LINGUA IGNOTA – Sinner Get Ready

If you told me she’s Diamanda Galas’ daughter I’d probably believe you. (8)

QUICKSAND – Distant Populations

Another excellent album  from influential post-hardcore veterans to whom bands like Deftones owe their whole existence. (8)


Nature-loving, tree-hugging black metal feels strangely appropriate this summer as wildfires destroy every single forest and humankind’s climate change fuckups become even more apparent. (8)


BODY MEΠA – The Work Is Slow

Avant-rock supergroup (including drummer Greg Fox from Liturgy, guitarist Sasha Frere-Jones who’s perhaps better known as a music critic, and a couple of other guys) on post-everything jazzy psychedelic jams. Interesting, but don’t expect anything resembling a proper tune you can hum. Quick note to the band: Fuck you for that ONE character in the band name, I’m not taking the trouble to figure out if it’s supposed to be Greek or Cyrillic, I’ll just use the Greek keyboard I already have installed and I don’t care if it’s right or wrong. (7)

BILLIE EILISH – Happier Than Ever

She’s still a teenager and mega-successful and good on her and I’m an old fart and I don’t want to be mean because it’s most likely my fault for not getting it, but I think this is a boring album and it’s essentially one straight hour of a 19-year-old whining about not being able to handle being rich & famous and getting older. (5)

LOS LOBOS – Native Sons

America’s best and most underrated rock band celebrates their native Los Angeles with a wildly eclectic covers album, paying tribute to Buffalo Springfield, The Beach Boys, War, The Blasters, Jackson Browne and others. (9)

LUMP – Animal

I’m a huge Laura Marling fan and this side-project where she works on more electronically-flavored ideas that don’t fit on her regular albums is almost as exciting as her day job. (8)

WILLIE NILE – The Day The Earth Stood Still

A harder-rocking Dylan? A poor man’s Springsteen? Say whatever you want, I’m really having a blast. (8)

TY SEGALL – Harmonizer

Garage rocker who almost topped the most reliable year-end lists back in 2018 now goes a bit sludgier. (7)

SHANNON & THE CLAMS – Year Of The Spider

A delightful little album of 60’s -influenced nuggets. Garage punk, girl groups, surf rock, doo-wop, all meshed up in a retro-sounding but never derivative package. (8)

STURGILL SIMPSON – The Ballad of Dood & Juanita

Country music’s renegade continues taking wild left turns, this time releasing a concept album set in Kentucky in the 1860’s that plays like a classic Western movie and includes a guest spot by Willie Nelson, who was probably born around that time. (8)

YOLA – Stand For Myself

A wonderful Southern-fried country soul album from the Nashville-based Brit. (8)

Monday, 26 July 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Jul 2021 Vol. II



LEE AARON – Radio On!

Look, I was a teenage metalhead in the 80’s, OK? I’m entitled to like Lee Aaron even if she’s always sounded more AOR than Metal Queen. (7)

MAYHEM – Atavistic Black Disorder/Kommando

EP featuring outtakes from the “Daemon” LP plus a bunch of hardcore punk covers including guest appearances from two of the band’s ex-vocalists (Messiah and Maniac). The Discharge & Dead Kennedys songs alone are worth the price of admission. (8)

MORDRED – The Dark Parade

I kept telling you back in 1989-90 that this was a great band but you wouldn’t listen then, would you? Well, you better pay some attention now because this is some great fucking funk/rap metal. (8)



Brazilian residing in L.A. attempts to update the bossa nova tradition, infusing it with elements from a bunch of different genres. (7)

NATACHA ATLAS – The Inner And The Outer

Beautiful, bold, meditative EP blending elements of Arabic music, jazz, hip hop, and electronica. (8)


Another masterclass in songwriting from the Americana veteran. (8)

JACKIE LEVEN – Straight Outta Caledonia: The Songs Of Jackie Leven

Compilation of songs by unknown Scottish singer/songwriter. I’d never heard of the guy before so this is a revelation – the guy is as good as Elvis Costello. (9)

LITTLE STEVEN & THE DISCIPLES OF SOUL – Summer of Sorcery Live! At the Beacon Theatre

A very fun rock & soul party from The Boss’ main sideman on 3 CDs, featuring a 13-piece backing band and special guests like the God Peter Wolf (J. Geils Band). Perfect for blasting extremely loud on a Summer night. (8)

KATHERINE PRIDDY – The Eternal Rocks Beneath

The Next Big Thing in English folk and already championed by giants like Richard Thompson, on a very strong debut album. (8)


4-track EP from this excellent country/Americana duo. Their groovy cover version of Fiona Apple’s “Heavy Balloon” will put a smile on your face. (8)

VARIOUS - May The Circle Remain Unbroken: A Tribute To Roky Erickson

Fantastic posthumous tribute album featuring Billy Gibbons, Jeff Tweedy, Neko Case, Gary Clarke Jr., Ty Segall, Lucinda Williams (she kicks so much ass on this one!), Chelsea Wolfe, Mark Lanegan and others. (9)

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Jul 2021

AT THE GATES – The Nightmare Of Being

Solid effort by much-copied Swedish melodic death metal pioneers but they’ll never be able to get rid of the “Slaughter Of The Soul” measuring stick, no matter how many saxophone solos and orchestras they experiment with. (7)


An excellent, catchy slab of hardcore-infused modern heavy metal. (8)

LUCY DACUS – Home Video

I thought Julien Baker was going to be this year’s Phoebe Bridgers but apparently there’s some serious competition from Dacus. No wonder the three of them were in a band together. (8)

VINCENT NEIL EMERSON – Vincent Neil Emerson

A new Texan singer/songwriter and a good student in the school of Townes Van Zandt, Guy Clarke, Steve Earle and Rodney Crowell (the latter, not coincidentally, serving as producer here). (7)


Primal Scream guy and Savages girl conceptually attempt a Gram Parsons/Emmylou Harris thing, and it works. (8)

JOHN GRANT – Boy From Michigan

Deeply personal, in places disturbed and disturbing, often funny – in other words, classic John Grant. And I’ll take his vintage synth sounds over synthwave any day, even if many songs on this album run a couple of minutes too long. (8)


The undisputed Queen of Africa passes the torch by unselfishly inviting a bunch of up-and-coming African artists as guests on this environmentally focused World music album, and it’s so good that I could even forgive the Sting collab, maybe. (8)

JOHN MURRY – The Stars Are God's Bullet Holes

A sarcastic, tortured poet in the Lou Reed tradition, this guy will fuck you up if you pay too much attention to what he’s singing about. Produced by John Parish. (8)


Blues rock trio does covers, some expected (Willie Dixon, Big Mama Thornton), some not (INXS, Cypress Hill). RYIL The Black Keys. (7)

FAYE WEBSTER – I Know I'm Funny Haha

Yet another female singer/songwriter doing this emotive soft rock/country/easy listening folkish thing. A pleasant listen but seriously, I’m beginning to have a hard time telling them apart. (7)

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews June 2021 Vol. II

RYAN ADAMS – Big Colors!
Recorded before the dude got canceled because of that NY Times article, this is actually a very good album, his best in many years. By the way, after a long FBI investigation he was recently cleared of the criminal charges for sexual misconduct, not that this makes him a particularly nice person but the music industry is 83% dicks anyway. (8)

FEAR FACTORY – Aggressive Continuum

I’m a big fan and I would argue that their first four albums constitute the strongest winning streak any metal band had in the 90’s but their latest album just follows the formula, even if it’s a very good formula. (7)

FOR THOSE I LOVE – For Those I Love

Strong debut from Irish producer who puts very personal spoken word over dance beats. (8)


The best ZZ Top album since 1983. (8)


If there ever was an artist you can trust to never release anything below a solid “7” or above the occasional career-high “8”, it’s this guy. Labeled “Americana” but essentially competent soft rock. (7)


This is good, but why do all 2021’s hyped British indie acts want to be 80’s Mark E. Smith and all the American (including this one) want to be 80’s Stevie Nicks? (8)


On the country ballads he sounds like his dad, on the more classic rock tracks he sounds like his dad doing a Tom Petty tribute album. That’s a good thing, by the way. (8)

THE OAK RIDGE BOYS – Front Porch Singin’

Legendary country/southern gospel vocal quartet produced by Dave Cobb. Lovely. (8)

POISON RUIN – Poison Ruin

Props to Akis Kapranos for bringing this to my attention, I finally got around to it and it’s a banger. To my ears this has a strong Wipers vibe, despite the presence of keyboards. (8)

WOLF ALICE – Blue Weekend

Starts out all shoegaze-y and keeps taking sharp turns towards softer indie folk or harder garage punk, remaining awesome throughout. (9)

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews June 2021

BALKAN TAKSIM – Disko Telegraf
Romanian Ethno-electronica duo raise a storm. Great music to dance to. (8)

BLACK MIDI – Cavalcade

Weirder and noisier than the rest of the British post-punk bands they’re grouped together with, these guys are more like a mid-90’s math rock combo doing an 80’s King Crimson tribute. (8)


The true heirs to Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Allmans are back with another strong effort – they even look more like Skynyrd now, with an expanded 9-person line-up featuring three guitarists plus female back-up singers. (8)

BLOODKIN – Black Market Tango

Unfortunately I just discovered this great band because Danny Hutchens, its driving force, passed away, thanks to a loving tribute by friend and megafan Patterson Hood. A fantastic album of hard rocking but literate Americana, produced by David Barbe (remember Sugar?). (8)

DAVID BOWIE – The Width Of A Circle

My love for Bowie’s “The Man Who Sold The World” is well documented, and this compilation of BBC live radio sessions, alternate mixes, remasters, demos, and singles from 1970 is marketed as a companion piece to last year’s alternate title/cover re-release. A lot of it is non-essential, not that this will stop the obsessive fans of course. (7)

CIRITH UNGOL – Half Past Human

True heavy metal that’s as ugly as the guys who make it. As with every Cirith Ungol release, the love-or-hate vocals make all the difference. (8)


Legendary Nashville tunesmith teams up with hot bandleader/producer for bluegrass-leaning Americana collaboration that works fine. (8)

ANTHONY JOSEPH – The Rich Are Only Defeated When Running For Their Lives

Jazz and poetry, coming across like a “made in UK” version of The Last Poets. (8)

LOSCIL – Clara

This ambient electronica record is perfect to listen to while listening to something else, and I mean this in the best possible way. (8)

MDOU MOCTAR – Afrique Victime

2021’s second unlikely guitar hero (the previous one being Yasmin Williams), this self-taught, Niger-based Tuareg lets rip on his left-handed Stratocaster with a fresh take of the desert blues pioneered by Tinariwen. Check out the shredding title track. (8)

MONSTER MAGNET – A Better Dystopia

Covers album focusing on obscure tracks by Hawkwind (of course), Pentagram, Poo-Bah, Dust, The Pretty Things, Table Scraps, The Scientists, Morgen etc. Get yourself an educational ass-kicking. (11)

DAVID JOHN MORRIS – Monastic Love Songs (5)


Remember “Midnight At The Oasis”, a hit from 1973? Apparently Muldaur still records, and this collaboration with a New Orleans band specializing in 1920’s & 1930’s traditional jazz is a riotous romp down Bourbon Street. (7)

PERTURBATOR – Lustful Sacraments

Honestly, I don’t get synthwave in general and Perturbator in particular – this goth electropop thing was not very interesting in the 80’s, and it’s not very interesting today. (6)

DUSTY SPRINGFIELD – The Complete Atlantic Singles 1968–1971

You know, when I was a kid I thought Dusty Springfield and Buffalo Springfield were relatives? True story. So anyway, here’s a batch of recordings that can rival even Aretha’s output on the same label during the same time period. (9)

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews May 2021 - The Edition Where I Give Three 10's

AROOJ AFTAB – Vulture Prince
NY-based Pakistani artist creates one of the most stunning sets of music in recent memory by merging her country’s musical tradition with jazz. This will give you chills. (8)

THE BLACK KEYS – Delta Kream

Going back to their Delta blues roots and stripping it down on covers album, paying tribute to their heroes (John Lee Hooker, Junior Kimbrough, R.L Burnside etc.). I loved it. (8)

HOLLY COLE – Montreal (Live)

Look, I’ve had a respectful little crush on Holly for the past 25+ years, and I think she’s a fantastic jazz singer, and I love her albums with the original Holly Cole Trio, and an intimate Holly Cole Trio Xmas gig in NYC back in the mid-90’s is one of the 10 best concerts I’ve ever attended, and this is a live reunion of that trio, so: (10)

ADRIAN CROWLEY – The Watchful Eye Of The Stars

Good album by the Irishman with some help from John Parish and members of Portishead, but Leonard Cohen comparisons are impossible to avoid. (7)


The kings of the beer-soaked singalong are back with another batch of working-class Celtic punk anthems. (8)


Faithfull recites poems of the Romantics (Keats, Byron, Shelley, Tennyson, Wordsworth) over ambient soundscapes created by Nick Cave’s right hand. A labor of love. (7)

FUCKED UP – Year of the Horse

This is a fucked up masterpiece. A Fucked Up masterpiece. Fucked Up’s masterpiece. Whatever. (10)

GOJIRA – Fortitude

Definitely the metal album of the year, possibly the metal album of the decade. (10)


Desert session live, one-take, acoustic, recorded outside lo-fi with one mic and a guitar or two. A beautiful country album with great songwriting and a bold move from Lambert, a bona fide superstar of the genre. (8)

TOM JONES – Surrounded By Time

At 80 years old he releases his most experimental album ever. Ethan Johns produces for the fourth time and does a great job again on a bunch of very interesting covers, ranging from Michel Legrand to Todd Snider. (8)


Subversive country artist and 1/3 of the Pistol Annies skips country altogether this time and goes for a pop/trip-hop vibe, with mixed results. (7)

ROSALI – No Medium

Country rock like prime Linda Ronstadt fronting Crazy Horse, and yes, it sounds as awesome as it looks. (8)

ST VINCENT – Daddy’s Home

Not her best album, but an entertaining and rather shticky early-70’s pastiche. (7)

TODD SNIDER – First Agnostic Church Of Hope And Wonder

Funky hippie country blues from veteran singer/songwriter trying to get over the recent loss of close friends and musical heroes. (7)

SONS OF KEMET – Black To the Future

Shabaka Hutchings is already a star on London’s jazz scene and this riotous party of an album will make him a mainstream household name. (8)

SQUID – Bright Green Field

Yet another interesting young English post-punk band with a vocalist who can’t (or won’t) sing to add to the whole Black Country, New Road / Dry Cleaning thing, so it’s officially a trend now. These guys are more like early Talking Heads/Gang Of Four gone krautrock. (8)

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews Apr 2021 Vol. II


THE ARMED – Ultrapop

Sort of like Dillinger Escape Plan meets Genghis Tron. (7)

BONGZILLA – Weedsconsin

Listening to this album gave me some serious munchies, and I haven’t even touched the stuff in ages. (7)


Carlson is the guy from Earth, Goldston is the cellist you know from Nirvana’s “MTV Unplugged”. No surprise this sounds like Earth with cello. (7)

GRETA VAN FLEET – The Battle At Garden's Gate

Making fun of these guys is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel but really, it’s not that bad if you don’t mind everything sounding like Rush doing a decent Led Zeppelin impression. (6)

MUSTASCH – A Final Warning - Chapter 1

21 minutes of hairy hard rock. (7)


Rosenstock’s excellent 2020 album “No Dream” made the Music Geek’s Top-10 last year, and he just surprise-dropped a ska version of it! Ska is so uncool that this is pretty cool. (7)

THE TREATMENT – Waiting For Good Luck

(Big AC/DC verses) + (Big Def Leppard choruses) - (the Big production) = (7)



Recording in lockdown with her partner in life and music, Giddens looks into a centuries-long tradition to explore the concept of home. (8)

CORY HANSON – Pale Horse Rider

A simply fantastic psychedelic country record, like 1996 Radiohead doing a Gram Parsons tribute album. (8)


Afrobeat and gospel-infused experimental jazz, this is probably the blackest black music can get. (8)

PARKER MILLSAP – Be Here Instead

A singer-songwriter’s singer-songwriter on his 5th strong album. (8)

PEGGY SEEGER – First Farewell

Folk royalty bids us farewell after a career spanning seven decades. This is a beautiful album, full of warm and funny original songs. (8)


Three meditative vocal jazz exercises by Spalding and her band, perfect for these times. (8)


For the 10th anniversary reissue of her second album “Epic”, Van Etten invites a very eclectic mix of her influences and peers (from Fiona Apple to IDLES) to cover the whole thing and the result is, well, epic. (8)

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews Apr 2021

CACTUS – Tightrope

70’s hard rock legends’ strong return. Worth the admission ticket even if it’s just for Carmine Appice’s huge kick drum sound, it’s like he’s hitting a wet blanket with a baseball bat. (7)

CLARK – Playground In A Lake

Veteran electronic musician rebrands himself as neoclassical, the label move from Warp Records to Deutsche Grammophon a strong signifier. (7)


First Black Country, New Road, now Dry Cleaning – I don’t know when/why post-punk-influenced art rock with vocalists who talk rather than sing became a thing, but it’s a very good thing. (8)


Electronica artist enlists 80-year old sax legend and the London Symphony Orchestra for triumphant ambient album. (8)

GENGHIS TRON – Dream Weapon

A very different sound from “Board Up The House”’s synth-led noisefest that had made them cult heroes back in 2008: Grindcore elements set aside, a new singer who goes for a shoegaze-y dreamy approach rather than screaming, a real drummer who adds an organic quality. End result is more synthwave than mathcore but better than Perturbator, Carpenter Brut and all those guys. (8)


More symphonic-punk than post-rock. (7)

NEW MOON JELLY ROLL FREEDOM ROCKERS – New Moon Jelly Roll Freedom Rockers Vol. 2

Just like Vol. 1 released in 2020: The same bunch of sort-of-famous blues, rock, and Americana guys having fun jamming in the studio. (7)

JANET SIMPSON – Safe Distance

An interesting female country rock singer/songwriter, an outsider to the country music establishment who does her own thing – she’s 44 and I believe this is just her first album. RYIL Margo Price, Lucinda Williams, that sort of thing. (7)

TOMAHAWK – Tonic Immobility

One of Patton’s bands but more Jesus Lizard than Faith No More. (8)

MORGAN WADE – Reckless

Add one more to the long list of new, interesting female country rock singer/songwriters. This one’s produced and mentored by Sadler Vaden, Jason Isbell’s guitarist, and she’s got a bit of grit under the nails. (7)

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews Mar 2021 Vol. 2


EYEHATEGOD – A History Of Nomadic Behaviour

Sick music for sick people. (8)


Relive the glory days of New York’s 90’s noise rock scene with misleadingly titled second full album by supergroup featuring members of Unsane, Cop Shoot Cop and Swans. (8)


Cultish stoner rock band tweak and re-release an EP that was a limited edition 10-inch back in 2007. Children of the Sabbath. (7)

SAXON – Inspirations

Heavy metal veterans covering heroes of previous generations (Stones, Beatles, Kinks, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Purple), sort-of-peers a couple of years ahead of them (Motorhead, Lizzy, AC/DC), and… Toto? Sounds like they had lots of fun in the studio. (7)


It’s not loud. It’s not Kiss. It’s Stanley with an 11-piece band (featuring Kiss drummer Eric Singer) embracing his love for Motown and classic early 70’s proto-disco soul with 5 original songs and a bunch of cover versions (Smokey Robinson, Temptations, Al Green, The Spinners, The Stylistics etc.). A very pleasant listen. (7)


Weird psychedelic rock that sounds like a bunch of punks buttfucking mid-70’s Pink Floyd. (8)

SERJ TANKIAN – Elasticity

5 songs originally written for a SOAD album that never happened, it’s the closest Tankian has come to the SOAD sound throughout his solo career. (7)



Shit-hot Southern-fried funky soul/jazz by Memphis-based organ trio, check it out! (8)

LANA DEL REY – Chemtrails Over The Country Club

This feels like a transitionary piece of work, as if she wants to move away from the L.A.-noir but still figuring out exactly how to do it. Not the true masterpiece that “Normal Fucking Rockwell” was, still a very good album. (8)

JAY GONZALEZ – Back To The Hive

Drive-By Truckers keyboardist/third guitarist’s solo album is a welcome departure from the DBT sound: This is classic 70’s-style AM radio power pop – think Badfinger, Todd Rundgren, that Beatles/Beach Boys influenced stuff, all vintage keyboards and multi-layered vocal harmonies. (7)

VALERIE JUNE – The Moon And Stars: Prescriptions For Dreamers

Americana’s rising star on her best album yet. (8)


Former Squirrel Nut Zippers bandmates on collaborative album of originals that sound like Appalachian folk and blues classics from ages past. Just Mathus’ guitar, Bird’s violin and their voices. So hauntingly beautiful that I actually started crying during “Three White Horses And A Golden Chain”. (8)


Texas-based hippie gives off strong Chris-Stapleton-meets-My-Morning-Jacket vibes, music-wise and hair & beard-wise. (7)

SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY – Grapefruit Moon: The Songs of Tom Waits (Remastered)

One of my absolute favorite albums of the last 15 years, Southside Johnny’s big band jazz interpretations of Tom Waits tunes, now remastered and re-released. A must hear for those who missed it the first time around, i.e. everyone. (10)

VLATKO STEFANOVSKI– Taftalidze Shuffle

In the 80’s Yugoslavia Stefanovski established himself as a bona fide guitar hero with his band Leb I Sol, and this solo old-school record oscillating between classic rock, funk rock, and jazz fusion proves he’s still got it. Warning – lyrics in his mother tongue might sound alien to untrained ears. (7)

RYLEY WALKER – Course In Fable

Walker jokes that Genesis was the main influence on this record, but I’m listening to it right now and I don’t think he’s joking. (8)

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Mar 2021

JULIEN BAKER – Little Oblivions
This year’s Phoebe Bridgers. (8)

BLANCK MASS – In Ferneaux

Blanck Mass’ electronic music, a combination of noise, EDM and industrial, is known to be aggressive and loud, but this time around it’s more ambient. (7)


It’s mind-boggling how this guy can release consistently great work throughout a 40+ year career, his face deserves a spot on rock’s Mount Rushmore next to the Bob Dylans and Neil Youngs of this world. This one bites harder than the last couple of minimalistic Bad Seeds albums in terms of instrumentation and texture. (9)

ALICE COOPER – Detroit Stories

Building upon 2019’s “Breadcrumbs” EP, Alice pays tribute to his Detroit roots with some solid hard rockin’ garage punk and soul. Bob Ezrin produces, members of the MC5 and Grand Funk Railroad guest. Rocks pretty hard for a 73-year old! (7)

DEATH BY UNGA BUNGA – Heavy Male Insecurity

Classic 90’s high-energy rock ‘n’ roll Norwegian style (e.g. Gluecifer, Turbo Negro) infused with some pop-punk silliness. (8)

DJANGO DJANGO – Glowing in the Dark

Their best album to date, a fantastic, catchy and very danceable new wave/art rock/disco hybrid. (8)

THE HOLD STEADY – Open Door Policy

The Rock band (with a capital “R”) that OWNED the 00’s is back with their best album since 2008’s “Stay Positive”. I love this. (8)

MAXIMO PARK – Nature Always Wins

7th album for the Northern England indie rockers, and probably their best one since that PERFECT 2005 debut. (8)

MELVINS – Working With God

If you look beyond the silliness and jokes (e.g. opening the album with the Beach Boys’ “I Get Around” re-imagined as “I Fuck Around”, not one but two tracks titled “Fuck You”, etc.), you’ll find a cornucopia of ass-kicking metal riffs that would make Mastodon green with envy. It’s certainly a top-10 Melvins album, no mean feat considering they’ve probably released more than 30 to date (nobody’s counting, not even the band themselves). (8)    


An electronic music experiment utilizing artificial intelligence both as a theme and as a tool, easier to admire than to enjoy. (6)


Willie Nelson does Frank Sinatra tribute, how can this NOT be good? Certainly better than Bob Dylan’s “Shadows In the Night”. (8)

TINDERSTICKS – Distractions

Sparser and more repetitive/hypnotic than the usual lush cinematic Tindersticks sound, half the songs on “Distractions” are terrific, the other half annoying. ((9 + 5)/2 = 7)

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Short Attention Span Record Reviews, Feb 2021

THE BESNARD LAKES – The Besnard Lakes Are The Last Of The Great Thunderstorm Warnings
A truly epic psychedelic rock album and an early candidate for my year-end List. (9)


Seemingly out of nowhere, this young band releases its debut featuring buckets of chutzpah and a fully formed sonic identity – and even though it brings to mind a combination of great 90’s bands that went totally unnoticed (Firewater meets Lifter Puller, anyone?), these guys will actually make it big: Hottest new rock band out of the UK since the Arctic Monkeys. (9)

FARMER DAVE & THE WIZARDS OF THE WEST – Farmer Dave & The Wizards Of The West

Byrds meets Grateful Dead meets Hawkwind meets Link Wray? It’s groovy, man! (7)

JIM GHEDI – In The Furrows Of Common Place

Intriguing and totally out of time, this 2021 album by the Irishest-sounding guy ever has more in common with the John Faheys and the Fairport Conventions of this world than with anything belonging to this century. (7)

ARLO PARKS – Collapsed In Sunbeams

If a 19-year old can write such a gorgeous record in her bedroom, there’s still hope for pop. (8)

NANCY SINATRA – Start Walkin’: 1965-1976

If you thought she didn’t record much worth remembering beyond “These Boots Are Made For Walkin’”, here’s a fantastic anthology of Nancy’s career and a testament to the genius of Lee Hazelwood. (9)

SOEN – Imperial

A Venn diagram where 2000-2010 Opeth intersects Tool and Disturbed. (8)

AARON LEE TASJAN – Tasjan! Tasjan! Tasjan!

A great pop rock album that sounds like something out of the Jeff Lynne late 80’s playbook (e.g. Traveling Wilburys, Tom Petty’s “Full Moon Fever”). I still prefer “Silver Tears”, the best album of 2016 that didn’t make the List because I heard it too late, but still. (8)

Come December you’ll see this one topping several year-end lists from Pitchfork to Uncut, which would be quite an accomplishment for an album with a yacht rock vibe and speaks volumes for the quality of the songwriting. In any case, imagine “Mirage”-era Fleetwood Mac fronted by Margo Timmins of the Cowboy Junkies and you’ve got the general idea. (8)

YASMIN WILLIAMS – Urban Driftwood

An extremely talented acoustic guitarist with a totally unique technique, Williams sounds unlike any other player out there. (8)

STEVEN WILSON – The Future Bites

An intriguing pop album about consumerism and technology: It’s got songs close to No Man’s electronica-infused territory, and funky jams bringing to mind The Temptations and Prince, but very little that sounds like Porcupine Tree. And that’s fine. (8)

VARIOUS ARTISTS – Cuba: Music And Revolution Culture Clash in Havana, Cuba, Experiments in Latin Music 1975-85, Vol 1

The Buena Vista Social Club project introduced us to pre-revolutionary Cuban music, now this excellent collection digs deep into the Western-influenced music produced underground during the Castro years, blending the Latin stuff with jazz, rock and psychedelia, ending up sonically not too far from Brazil’s Tropicalia but with more brass. (8)